Sky Mountain HOA

Meeting Minutes – January 2011

In order that we may be timely with reporting the  monthly meeting minutes, these minutes are published as a summary, prior to official approval at the following meeting.  Any changes or corrections would be noted in the following month’s minutes.)

Sky Mountain Golf Estates Board Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2011                     8:30 a.m.                        Sky Mountain Clubhouse

Board Members Present: Mike Heins, Gordon Russell, Margaret Sorensen, Betty Wyckoff, Gary Bovyer, Penny James-Office Manager

Others Present- Dee McNeill-Master HOA Representative, Carlene Livingston, Jeanne Miller, Reilly Scheid

8:30 A.M.  Meeting called to order by Mike Heins.  Confirmation of Quorum recognized. Mike welcomed those attending.

Gordon made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as presented, Betty seconds, passed unanimously.

Open Forum: No items to discuss at this time.

Office Manager Report:

a.        A/R Report-One home owner is in arrears with a lien on the property.

b.      Trustee Obligation Update-The Trustees were given an update on their obligation fulfillment to date.

c.       Exercise Equipment Purchase Discussion- The reserve fund has the replacement of a piece of the cardio equipment scheduled for this year.  The oldest piece of equipment is the stair stepper by the south window.  Penny has researched equipment and suggested purchasing an elliptical through Costco.  To date, the HOA has purchased commercial grade cardio equipment with each piece costing in the range of $3,500-$4,000.  The equipment has lasted a long time and runs well, but spending that much money for the amount of usage the equipment receives may not be necessary.  Penny obtained quotes on commercial grade elliptical machines in the amounts of $3,500, $3,200 and $2,100.  The elliptical from Costco costs $1,199.99 which includes shipping and assembly.  The warranty exceeds the commercial grade equipment by 3 years.  Two other items have been asked for by various residents; a set of medicine balls and a doctor’s style scale.  Penny researched both items and found a set of medicine balls containing a 2,4,6,8 & 10 pound ball and a rack for $199.  A Detecto brand doctor’s style scale was priced from $158-$244 for the same scale depending on where it is purchased.  The line item for equipment in this year’s reserve budget is $3,825.  To purchase the elliptical from Costco, the set of medicine balls and the scale would cost $1,555.  Gordon made a motion to purchase all 3 items, Margaret Seconds, passed unanimously.  The Master HOA Board also voted unanimously at their meeting to purchase the three items presented.

d.      Sale of 1 piece of equipment Discussion-The sale of the cross trainer being replaced was discussed.  The Trustees suggested advertising the equipment for $200 to the residents.

e.       Next HOA Golf Tournament-May 14th-the next Community golf tournament has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday May 14th pending approval by the Board.  The Master HOA Board approved of the tournament and the date at their meeting.  The Trustees all approved of scheduling the tournament.

f.       Towel Dispenser Purchase-At the annual meeting, a resident suggested installing a larger trash receptacle in the exercise room as the current one is continually full.  They also suggested installing a second towel dispenser on the west wall.  Dan Lackey suggested roll towel dispensers be installed rather than the current folded towel style.  He can purchase the towel dispensers for $17/each and a larger receptacle for $60.45.  The Trustees were concerned about installing a dispenser on the west wall because they felt there was not enough room to walk between the equipment to get to the dispenser.  Betty made a motion to purchase one dispenser and the larger trash receptacle, Margaret seconds, passed unanimously.

President Report:

a.       Social Committee Entertainment Policy Discussion-The social committee presented a letter to the Board requesting they re-consider the current policy regarding entertainers at the clubhouse.  The concern is creating a profit for a non-HOA member.  Liability is a concern as well.  Carlene stated that we have guests on many occasions and questioned why the entertainer would present a different liability than guests.  Mike stated that we do not pay guests to come to the clubhouse.  Betty asked for a description of what type of entertainment would be brought in.  Dee mentioned dancers for a luau, bell ringers, etc.  Six couples from the social committee went to see an entertainer in Harrisburg and thoroughly enjoyed it.  They would like him to come to the clubhouse.  He charges $5/ticket.  The Social Committee would charge $2/ticket additional for the rental fee for the clubhouse and for refreshments.  Margaret inquired about the maximum occupancy of the clubhouse.  Capacity is 108.  Gary asked if somebody wants to bring in an entertainment program that is questionable would that put the Board in a position of having to decide what is acceptable and what is not.  Gordon is in favor of it because the social committee has agreed to pay rent for the use of the clubhouse and they are asked to provide social events for the HOA.  Gordon made a motion to allow the entertainment on a trial basis, Margaret seconds, passed unanimously.

Committee Updates

a.       Clubhouse Committee Report-Margaret Sorensen-The committee will meet next Friday the 28th.

b.       Beautification Committee- Betty Wyckoff- Betty sent out information last week to the Community regarding yard care.  In March she will start recognizing residents for exceptional yards again.  Palm trees are looking poorly this year due to the extreme cold weather.

  1. Neighborhood Watch Committee-Mike Heins-Reilly Scheid reported he and his wife Judy had met with Mike & Penny last week.  They are reviewing the program and coming up with some ideas. Mike thanked Reilly for taking over the Neighborhood Watch organization.
  2. Social Committee-Gordon Russell-The entertainment policy was discussed above.  Since the Board voted to approve paid entertainers on a trial basis, Michael Hargis will present to the HOA on Saturday, February 12th.  Tickets will be available at the HOA office as well as through social committee members.

Financial Report-Gordon Russell- reviewed the Golf Estates financials:

December Income          $ 7,339    Actual   $ 7,873 Budgeted

December Expenses       $ 13,407   Actual    $ 12,527    Budgeted

Net Income YTD       $ 5,127 Actual     $2,037  Budgeted

Golf Estates Reserve Account Balance:  $ 14,764

Clubhouse Financials:

December Income      $  4,566    Actual    $ 4,319    Budgeted

December Expenses    $  4,953  Actual       $ 5,531 Budgeted

Net Income YTD        $  9,226   Actual      $4,395  Budgeted

Clubhouse Reserve Account Balance:  $ 69,267.41 + $ 22,089.01  Note  Receivable.  Total asset value of reserve fund $ 91,356.42

This is the final report for calendar year 2010.  Both the Golf Estates and the Clubhouse ended the year with a surplus.

Architectural Report-Gary Bovyer-Gary presented a statement to the Board regarding the architectural guidelines and the committee’s responsibility for upholding those guidelines.  Gary asked for the support of the Board in upholding decisions made whether they are popular or not.  He will do his best to uphold the guidelines.  Mike agrees with Gary’s statement 100% and suggests a second person be involved.  Betty thinks the statement should be circulated to the residents as well as to the Board regularly as a reminder.  The architectural position can be controversial by nature and the Board all agreed they would support Gary’s efforts and judgment.  Mike suggested the Board may wish to review the guidelines and see if any items need to be updated.  Mike and Gordon will assist with architectural applications should Gary be out of town or otherwise unavailable.  The statement from Gary follows:

“Request for Support-

Essentially this HOA was created to protect property values.

The CC&R’s were crafted to facilitate this program and, we were elected by the residents to administer and operate the program for the public good.

Our Community Wide Standards and Architectural Guidelines are an integral part of this ongoing effort, as they promote fairness and continuity.

As the Architectural Trustee, I must oversee the various projects undertaken by residents and, assure they meet the requirements set forth in our guiding documents.

When we elect representatives to political office we have a right to expect them to be ethical and legislate for the good of the public at large.  When they pass laws or work out special deals for their family, friends or feather their own personal nest, we correctly say they are corrupt.

In disputes between residents I have to resolve issues strictly according to the standards to which we have committed.  Dispassionately, without bias, and consistent as possible with previous decisions, typically finding in favor of one resident and disappointing the other.  As you may well imagine, this is no way to win a popularity contest.  But if not done without prejudice and consistency, it will soon erode our regulations, making them meaningless.

If I am to uphold the standards uniformly and without bias I must have the support of this Board.  There will be folks that are unhappy with my decisions who will wish to appeal to this group and they should have that right.  However, if any of this Board use their knowledge or position to help coach those who appear, so they gain advantage and frustrate the workings of this process, they are not acting in the interests of the HOA as they were elected to do but, are “helping friends”.

Members who are conflicted when friends or family appear before this group requesting special consideration, must recuse themselves if there are personal feelings which would render them unable to base their decisions on the good of the residents of the HOA.  To do otherwise would be corrupt.”

Master HOA Report– Dee thanked the Board for voting to allow the entertainment.  Dee also thanked Betty for her yard care tips.

Old Business –No old business was discussed.

New Business

a.        Next Master HOA Board Meeting date and attendee Assignment- The next Master HOA Board meeting will be held Wednesday, February 9th at 1:00 p.m.  Betty will attend on behalf of the Golf Estates Board.

b.       Next Meeting Date, Time: The next regular monthly Board meeting will be held Friday February 18th at 8:30 a.m.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:50 a.m.    Gordon made a Motion to adjourn, Betty Seconds, passed unanimously.




