Sky Mountain HOA
Golf Estates
GE Meeting Agendas
Annual Membership Meeting Agenda Golf Estates Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting Friday, January 21, 2011 8:30 a.m. Sky Mountain Clubhouse AGENDA 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Confirmation of Quorum 3. Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting 4. Open Forum – Persons to be heard from the floor 5. Office Manager’s Report a. A/R Report b. Trustee Obligation Update c. Exercise Equipment Purchase Discussion d. Sale of 1 piece of equipment Discussion e. Next HOA Golf Tournament 6. President’s Report a. Clubhouse Committee Entertainment Policy Discussion 7. Committee Updates a. Clubhouse Committee Update –Margaret Sorensen- b. Beautification Committee Update-Betty Wyckoff c. Neighborhood Watch Update – Mike Heins- d. Social Committee Update- Gordon Russell 8. Financial Report – Gordon Russell 9. Architectural Report a. Architectural Applications reviewed since last meeting-Gary Bovyer 10. Master HOA Report 11. Old Business 12. New Business a. Next Master Board Meeting date and Attendee Assignment 13. Next Meeting: Date, Time & Location
GE Meeting Minutes
In order that we may be timely with reporting the monthly meeting minutes, these minutes are published as a summary, prior to official approval at the following meeting. Any changes or corrections would be noted in the following month’s minutes.) Sky Mountain Golf Estates Board Meeting Minutes February 18, 2011 8:30 a.m. Sky Mountain Clubhouse Board Members Present: Mike Heins, Gordon Russell, Margaret Sorensen, Betty Wyckoff, Gary Bovyer, Penny James-Office Manager Others Present- 8:30 A.M. Meeting called to order by Mike Heins. Confirmation of Quorum recognized. Mike welcomed those attending. Margaret made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as presented, Betty seconds, passed unanimously. Open Forum: No items to discuss at this time. Office Manager Report: a. A/R Report-One home owner is greater than 30 days in arrears. A lien has been filed against the property for several months. b. Trustee Obligation Update-The Trustees were given an update on their obligation fulfillment to date. c. Exercise Equipment Purchase Update-The three items approved by the Board-elliptical, scale and medicine balls-have been purchase and are in place in the exercise room. d. Carpet replacement discussion-Replacement of the carpeting in the main room of the clubhouse and the office…
Golf Estates Trustees
2011 Sky Mountain Golf Estates Board of Trustees President Vice President Treasurer Architectural Committee Secretary Mike Heins Margaret Sorensen Gordon Russell Gary Bovyer Betty Wyckoff Sky Mountain Golf Estates Board of Trustees meet monthly on the third Friday of the month. The meeting convenes at 8:30 a.m. at the Sky Mountain Clubhouse. As always, residents are invited to attend the meetings. There is an open forum time allocated as part of the agenda for residents to voice questions or concerns.
Annual Meeting Documents
CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING LINKS TO VIEW/PRINT YOUR FORMS FOR 2013 Cover Letter Dues Reminder Annual Meeting Agenda 12-1-12 GE 12 Financials & 13 Budget CH Financials 12 & Budget 13 Candidate Bio’s Trustee Ballot 12-1-12 Cable 2013
Master Meeting Agenda
Master Board of Trustee’s Meeting Agenda Date: February 9, 2011 1:00 p.m. 1. Confirmation of Quorum 2. Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting 3. Architectural Report 4. Office Manager’s Report a. A/R Report b. Annual Meeting Package Discussion 5. President’s Report a. Nominating Committee Report and acceptance of candidates 6. Secretary’s Report 7. Treasurer’s Report a. Presentation of proposed budget for fiscal year April 2011 through March 2012 8. Committee Updates a. Clubhouse Committee- b. Social committee c. Neighborhood Watch 9. Homeowners Issues 10. Golf Estates Report 11. Old Business 12. New Business 13. Next meeting Time and Date
Master Meeting Minutes
Minutes of Sky Mountain Master Meeting Tuesday, February 9, 2011 1:00 p.m. Trustees Present: Dee McNeill, John Reifel, Harry Boley, Dieter Urban, Larry Hunter, Penny James-Office Manager Other Attendees: Betty Wyckoff, Golf Estates Representative Meeting called to order by Dee McNeill Welcome-Dee welcomed everyone and confirmed a quorum. Minutes Approval-Minutes from the previous Board meeting were reviewed. John made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Larry seconds, passed unanimously. Architectural Report- a. No applications were presented this month. Office Manager’s Report- a. A/R Report- Three homes are in the process of bank foreclosure. One home is officially bank owned and the other two are still in the process of going to auction. All three homes owe past dues to the Association. The one home that has officially gone back to the bank will have its dues paid by the bank within the next few weeks. The home on Sky Mountain Court for which the Association paid utility bills and lawn care fees last year should be auctioned in March which would prevent the Association from incurring lawn care and utility costs again. b. Annual meeting package discussion-The Trustees reviewed the proposed…
Master Trustees
2011 Sky Mountain Master HOA Board of Trustees President Vice President Treasurer Architectural Committee Secretary Dee McNeill John Reifel Harry Boley Dieter Urban Larry Hunter Sky Mountain Master Board of Trustees meet monthly on the second Wednesday of the month. The meeting convenes at 1:00 p.m. at the Sky Mountain Clubhouse. As always, residents are invited to attend the meetings. There is an open forum time allocated as part of the agenda for residents to voice questions or concerns.
Annual Meeting Documents
Click on the Following Links to View/Print your forms for the 2012/2013 Fiscal Year. Cover letter 2012 Annual Meeting Agenda 12 Election Ballot 12 Dues Reminder 12 Dues Coupons-Master Dues
Community Manager
The Office Manager’s office is housed in the Sky Mountain Clubhouse. Residents are welcome to meet with Penny James during posted hours of operation to discuss community/resident business or drop off your association fee payments. Office hours will generally be 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday . Please mail all dues payments and correspondence to: Sky Mountain HOA, 985 North 2600 West Hurricane, UT 84737 E-mail:
[email protected]
(435) 635-7781. Any questions should be directed either to Penny or to your HOA Board.
CC & R’s
Master CC & R’s
Master Architectural Guidelines
The Master Association’s Community Wide Standards and Architectural Design Guidelines can be viewed by clicking on the following link: DESIGN GUIDELINES Master
Golf Estates CC & R’s
Golf Estates Architectural Guidelines
The Golf Estates Association’s Community Wide Standards and Architectural Guidelines may be accessed by clicking on the following link: Community Wide Standards GE
Sky Mountain Social Club
Resident Roster
This page is password protected as the information is for our residents use only. Please be a good neighbor and do not share this information with solicitors or use it for your own business purposes. If your information is not accurate, please contact the office. To view the Association contact list, click on one of the links below: GE Contact List Master Contact List
Events Calendar
Sky Mountain Golf Estates Residents: The SMGE HOA is pleased to coordinate and/or announce a variety of social events during the year. Please check out each month’s calendar to see if there is something that is of interest to you and/or your family. If there is an event or pictures from an event you would like to see posted on the Sky Mountain Golf Estate Home Owners Association Website, please e-mail:
[email protected]
SMGE HOA Trustees reserves the right to select or reject the announcement or posting of an event on the website.
Architectural Application GE
To view and/or print the Architectural Application for the Golf Estates, click on the following link: ARC Application GE
Architectural Application Master
To view and/or print the Master HOA Architectural Application, click on the following link: ARC Application Master
Clubhouse Reservation Agreement
To view and/or print a Clubhouse Reservation Agreement, click on the following link: CLUBHOUSE RENTAL CONTRACT
Golf Tournament
Please click on the following link to view/print the registration form for our Fall 2011 HOA Golf Tournament. Golf Announcement
Garage Sale Registration
Click on the following link to view/print the registration form for the upcoming Sky Mountain Community Garage Sale. Garage Sale Registration May 2012
72 Hour Kit
We are fortunate to live in an area where natural disasters do not occur frequently. However, as we all have seen coverage of floods, earthquakes, fires, etc. and it can happen here. A guide has been prepared to help you think about and compile items that will get you and your family through the first critical 72 hours following a disaster when outside services may not be available. Special thanks to former resident Janet Robinson for compiling this guide. Click on the following link to view/print the 72 hour Kit guide. 72 Hour Kit
Subscribe to the HOA Newsletter
Listed below are vendors our residents or the HOA have used with good results. Neither the residents, nor the HOA warrant or guarantee any work or results from the listed vendors. Residents are encouraged to call the HOA office with comments regarding any of the vendors listed or to add new vendors with which they have had a good service experience. Air Conditioning/Heating Service Anasazi Heating & Air Conditioning Jim Rossi 635-3163 Recommended by resident John Richardson Southwest Air Conditioning Heating & Energy-Scott-673-4877 Has the HOA contract and does a great job. Appliance Repair Earl’s Appliance Repair 635-7537 Recommended by resident Diane Thoreson Appliance Specialist -Mike McGregor – 673-5600 Recommended by Mary Ann Leopold Awnings Sun Country Awning 986-1709 Recommended by resident Barbara Dutcher Cabinetry/Woodworking Woodcarver-Berett Nielson 635-5575 Highly recommended by resident Dianne Christensen Car Washing/Detailing Dr. Detail Jeff Harris 230-4867 Mobile Car Wash/Detail Service Highly recommended by Jim & Sharon Summers Carpentry Garrett Criddle 435-632-3245 Recommended by residents Michael & Terry Witkowski Carpet/Tile Cleaning Heaven’s Best-Spencer Beck 628-5756 Cleaned the carpet and the tile in the clubhouse…they did an amazing job on the tile Family Carpet Care Mike Moosman 313-5033 Recommended by resident Bob Kern Tedy Fresh – Steve-216-8753…
Clubhouse Use Rules & Regulations
The Sky Mountain Associations own a beautiful clubhouse facility including a swimming pool/hot tub area as well as a well appointed exercise room. These facilities are maintained and upgraded in a first class manner and all residents are encouraged to report any abuse or misuse immediately. Click on the following link to view the rules and regulations for the clubhouse facilities: Clubhouse Rules & Regulations
Photo Gallery
Photo and Video Gallery
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