Sky Mountain HOA

Community Manager

Sky Mountain Golf Community is comprised of two separate HOA’s and are managed separately as well.

The Community Manager’s office is housed in the Sky Mountain Clubhouse.

Golf Estates HOA residents are welcome to meet with Savannah Holt during posted hours of operation to discuss community/resident business or drop off your association fee payments.  Office hours will generally be 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday

Sky Mountain HOA residents are welcome to meet with Susan Seder Friday’s in the Clubhouse Office 8:30AM – 5PM

Please mail all dues payments and correspondence to:

Sky Mountain HOA
985 North   2600 West
Hurricane, UT  84737

Community Manager’s Duties and Responsibilities

  • Acts as the first point of contact for all complaints or concerns from HOA members or the general public.
  • Takes appropriate action regarding complaints or concerns and/or refers complaints on to the trustees and/or committees as may be required.
  • Keeps a log of all-incoming complaints and concerns and of the action taken.
  • Does all accounting and bookkeeping for the Sky Mountain HOA, SMGE HOA, and the Clubhouse.
  • Maintains employee files and payroll records for any and all employees (including his or her own).
  • Accepts and collects all fees, assessments and accounts receivables, and make the necessary deposits.
  • Sends overdue notices to members who do not pay their monthly fees and assessments by the 15th of each month.
  • Assesses late fees for late payments for all SMGE HOA member accounts.
  • Notifies the trustees of all homeowner accounts that become 30 days in arrears.
  • Receives accounts payable invoices, prepare checks for signatures and acts as a second signatory on the account.
  • Completes monthly reconciliations on bank accounts.
  • Generates monthly reports outlining AP/AR activity, customer balances, profit and loss statements, and bank reconciliation’s within 5 days of receiving the current months bank statement.
  • Schedules the Clubhouse for private engagements, receives the rental fee and deposit.  After the engagement, inspects the Clubhouse for any damages, schedules cleaning (if necessary) and returns the deposit (if appropriate).
  • Schedules the regular cleaning of the Clubhouse and orders supplies as necessary.
  • Issues owner keys and hands out rules and regulations to new members.  Keeps a copy of the signed exercise room waivers on file.  Maintains a log of all keys and turns off keys reported stolen or missing or as directed by the Association Trustees.
  • Monitors clubhouse key use records and security camera recordings as appropriate.
  • Receives and handles complaints from Clubhouse members regarding the use of the Clubhouse and pool/spa.  Levies fines and shuts off cards as requested by the Trustees.
  • Bids and schedules pool, landscape and general maintenance contracts;  follow-up on any reported problems.
  • Attends Clubhouse Committee meetings as scheduled by the committee.
  • Attends all annual HOA meetings to answer any questions and supports the Clubhouse Committee.
  • Prepares an “accountants copy” disk of the year-end financials for the Trustees to submit for tax preparation.
  • Maintains files for all Clubhouse business and activities.
  • Maintains files for each property in each Association.
  • Ensures that all required documents, waivers or other paperwork is current for each Owner.
  • Ensures that each owner is in compliance with all HOA rules and regulations.
  • Maintains files for all rental properties including copies of leases, names of tenants, and signed acknowledgment of the tenant’s receipt of the community rules and regulations.
  • Maintains files of all Association business including copies of all insurance policies, contracts for services, etc.
  • Ensures that all insurance policies, certificates, documents and other legal requirements are current, in force and effect, and are in compliance with all local, state and federal laws.
  • Performs all other duties as may be required or assigned.